A Place of Inspiration – The Artist Residence Paradiesli, Sigriswil
Coming residency: October 28 – December 15, 2024
Coming residency: January 6 – February 23, 2025
The concept was developed by the Paradiesli Cultural Promotion Association, founded in spring 2021, to bring together talented artists from all over the world to experience a unique cultural environment for contemporary art. A jury of 4 members will invite 2×3 selected artists of all national origins. They will be able to live and work in a community at the Gästehaus Paradiesli, Sigriswil for a period of 2×7 weeks during the winter months.
The artist residence Paradiesli (P.AiR.S) in Sigriswil offers artists the opportunity to counteract isolation and develop a creative exchange by living and working in an inspiring place. The Paradiesli is located high above Lake Thun, opposite the striking and imposing mountain Niesen. The Bernese Oberland has been a place of attraction and inspiration for many a renowned artist such as Macke, Hodler, Klee, Friedli, and many more.
The artists’ residence Paradiesli welcomes artists from various fields of art: e.g. literature, drawing, photography, film/video. However, the activity must fit the given space. The emphasis of the project is on creative exchange. Artists* are encouraged to participate in collaborative work and discussion, interacting as a dynamic artistic community to enrich the creativity of the group and each other’s work.
Art and its dissemination are central to P.AiR.S.
On the second to last weekend of the residency, P.AiR.S will organize a small public exhibition of the works created. All participants are asked to leave an artistic “trace”, a testimony of their visit, at the end of their stay, but can decide for themselves how this should be done.
For the interested public as well as for the members of the association P.AiR.S organizes a talk with the artists.